/ MINISTRIES / Funeral Team
Funeral Team


Dear Parishioners and Family,

     For over twenty years, women of the parish have assisted families in preparing their loved ones for burial. Out of this has grown a Funeral Team ministry that includes assisting individuals in making their end-of-life plans, arranging the purchase of cemetery plots, preparing the deceased for burial, assisting the clergy and family at funerals, and managing interments at Adams Cemetery.

     The death of a loved one is never easy; however, advance preparation makes a sorrowful time manageable and ensures that the deceased’s wishes are carried out. Communicating one’s wishes both verbally and in writing eases the way for all involved. This is especially important when the individual’s family members are not members of the Church, or are estranged. The information and resources in this section of the parish website are intended to help guide you and your family to make informed and thorough end-of-life plans. 

Occasional workshops have been held to assist other churches to establish similar ministries. While not encouraged, if a parish has no similar team or cemetery of its own, arrangements for interments in our cemetery may be arranged with the Funeral Team after obtaining a blessing from our Rector, Fr. Matthew Tate. There is an additional fee for this service.

 As the ministry has grown, the need to provide up to date and detailed information to those seeking assistance from our team has increased. Please carefully review the information pertaining to the service you are needing and then contact a member of the Funeral Team for further assistance. We have found that if you contact a team member at the start of your decision making it ensures that plans are made with the least possible strain on you and your family.

It is our prayer that the information on this website will assist those who are terminally ill make plans for their repose. It is also intended to help those who are facing the loss of a loved one to experience more fully the deep peace offered by the Church at the parting of a soul from the body.


September 2022


Eastern Orthodox Church of The Annunciation
13515 SE Rusk Road, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222