/ MINISTRIES / Sunday Coffee Hour Hospitality Schedule

Can you help with Sunday hospitality? Each Sunday a team of several people is scheduled, so that the work can be shared.


If you are able to help with our Sunday hospitality ministry, please contact Judy Sherley. Thank you!




Sunday Hospitality Schedule


1/19/25: Inlows, Mary Pate, Elena Tourkina

1/26/25: Rosalie Broding, Andrew Davis, Ambrose & Dymphna Shrum,
Sean Johnston

2/2/25: Lydiya and Tikhon Murphy Oksana Youra, Larisa Shishina

2/9/25: Illtyd, Clark, Cleopa, Molly Shaw

2/16/25: Lois, Oscar David, Ephraim Handy 

2/23/25: Sharygin, Knox

3/2/25: Catherine Knox, Susan Judy, Tina Pratt

3/9/25: Barton, Charla, Harmony, Bethany Lenihan

3/16/25: Lori Jensen, Chris & Christina Lamaita, Anna Krinitsyna, Reynolds

3/23/25: Brooks & Dana Lampe, Masha Wilson, Brandon Sandersen

3/30/25: Olson, Burbanks





These are a few of the types of snacks that have been seen in the past at Sunday coffee hours. Note, however, that hospitality teams do not normally bring this many different items on a single day.


Eastern Orthodox Church of The Annunciation
13515 SE Rusk Road, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222